Adding content to BREO

You can safely add content into BREO that does not involve the personal information of live and active students. There are different rules (copyright et al.) that may apply to the discussion of subjects outside of the University.
You should avoid making public (within a unit or community) any content which would identify an individual student or students. For example:

• Ethics forms – signatures may be copied
• Details of students’ grades
• Details of academic conduct outcomes
• Assessment feedback e.g. First and second marker comments for assessment
• Content from individual students’ assessments*
• Medical or mitigating circumstances of students e.g. for an assignment
• Information about students that fall into sensitive categories: Race, Ethnic origin, Politics, Religion, Trade Union Membership, Biometrics (where used for ID purposes), Health, Sex life, Sexual orientation or genetics, or criminal convictions

Users in BREO sites

The addition of users in BREO sites is either by self-enrolment, or by automatic addition from SITS. Staff should not add student users to any sites as this prevents the management of student accounts. It is advisable to periodically check the list of BREO users to ensure that staff have the correct level of access, and that there are no unexpected users.

BREO content checklist

We have made a short checklist to help colleagues who are adding, working with, downloading or making changes to materials in BREO.

When adding a document to BREO are you sure that:

• You are attempting to upload the correct document
• The document does not contain any information that might constitute revealing personally identifiable data
• The document is being added to the correct unit or community
• The upload is shared in the right way, and any restrictions (e.g. hiding from students) are in place
• That you need to keep a local copy of the file you just uploaded? Do you need to delete the files?
• You know who should see the content (e.g. external examiners) and that you have taken precautions to secure data

When working with content in BREO:

• Are you working in the correct unit site / community / assignment?
• If you are adding feedback or comments to students’ work – is it the correct student?
• Any viewing restrictions are applied appropriately

When downloading content from BREO:

• Do you need to keep a local copy of the files after you have read or made changes?
• Should the document be returned back to the unit / community site, or transferred in some other way?
• Is the device you are saving content only accessible by you, and does it have encryption enabled?

When adding feedback in writing or attaching a file to an assignment:

• Ensure that the feedback is for the correct student
• If the file is stored locally, consider if the file should be deleted after addition


Centre for Learning Excellence
University of Bedfordshire
University Square
Luton, Bedfordshire

