UoB visits UEPA in Ukraine

Our British Council’s Creative Spark project “Creating Creative Entrepreneurs (CCE)” has made significant impact during Professor Yanqing Duan and Dr Yongmei Bentley’s visit to Kharkov (Ukraine) on 15-19 May 2019.

The start-up project competition “YOU MUST TRY 2019”

UEPA and UoB jointly held the final start-up project competition “YOU MUST TRY 2019” on 16th May. Ten selected Ukraine students’ teams presented their project ideas to compete for the position of the overall winner. Professor Yanqing Duan and Dr Yongmei Bentley joined a group of expert panel members who are successful entrepreneurs in the creative industry. Professor Duan was also interviewed by the local media and was pleased to see her appearing in the local TV news!

The event was very successful with over 100 participants.

Group of participants


A workshop on “Creating and Supporting Entrepreneurs through Entrepreneurial ecosystems in HEIs”

The project team organised a workshop with UEPA teachers on “Creating and Supporting Entrepreneurs through Entrepreneurial ecosystems in HEIs” on 17th May. Professor Yanqing Duan and Dr Yongmei Bentley shared information and experience on how UK HEI’s are supporting enterprises through education, research and knowledge transfer. Information and examples provided by Prof Duan and Dr Bentley stimulated debates among participants and offered food for thoughts on how UEPA can learn from the UK HEI’s experience to engage in university-industry collaborations.



Promoting “Creative Spark Big Idea Challenge!” Pitch Competition

To encourage more student teams to join the “Creative Spark Big Idea Challenge!” Pitch Competition, project team organised a workshop on “how to prepare your pitch competition” with UEPA students. Dr Yongmei Bentley explained the steps in preparing the video pitch and assessment criteria using examples.



Please visit the project social media page to see more photos, news and feedback about the competition event and knowledge transfer workshop:

For more information regarding the project, please visit:


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