Finding & Applying for Work


You can register as a graduate to access our online career management and networking platform, Handshake to find current part-time, full-time, placement and volunteering opportunities.

When you login for the first time, you will be asked to edit your profile so that you can received tailored information relevant to you.

You can specify the type of job updates you wish to receive such as part-time, full-time, graduate or voluntary work and also those which are in specific sectors.

Other Vacancy Sources

Details of further online job boards can be found in our Graduate recruitment section.


Many employers are now using LinkedIn to recruit for specific positions - make sure you get noticed by creating a professional profile - find out more about LinkedIn for students

Making Speculative Applications

It is estimated that as many as 70-80% of job vacancies are not advertised.

The aim of a speculative letter is to get you an interview with the person you are writing to.

This might be an informal interview to get more information about the company and their requirements, or it may be an interview for a specific job.

Because there is likely to be no job description, you may need to do some research about the company.

Researching Organisations

For any companies you are particularly interested in, look on their website to see if there are any webinars, or videos that give you an insight into working with them. Network with the people that ran the webinar, maybe through LinkedIn, to follow up and enquire about further and future opportunities.


There is no doubt that volunteering enhances your employment prospects, in fact a Deloitte survey found that employers are 82% more likely to offer a job to someone who has volunteering on their CV.

Discover volunteering opportunities that are perfect for you. To get access to the most up to date volunteering opportunities available; search using our online job board or follow the careers social media pages:

Online Work Experience & Skills Development

Preparing a CV and a job application can take just as much planning and preparing as an assignment.

Visit the CVs, Applications & Interviews section for guidance.

For further information and example CVs, visit:

Practice your interview skills on

Shortlist.Me is an online video interview platform that will help you practice answering role, industry, and company-specific questions.

No one will see your interview so you can test out your answers as well as practice speaking on camera. Log into Handshake and select under Resources.

Remember, you can also arrange to meet with an Employability Adviser to do a mock interview, or for help preparing interview answers - book an appointment via Handshake

Support with preparing for interviews & assessment centres

To book a mock interview with the Careers team to help you practice; log into Handshake and book an appointment with one of our Employability Advisers.


Careers & Employability Service
University of Bedfordshire
University Square

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Please note that the University of Bedfordshire Careers & Employability Service does not endorse specific employers or organisations linked to the website.


During office hours
(Monday - Friday 10am - 4pm)
+44 (0)1234 400 400

Outside office hours
(Campus Watch)
+44 (0)1582 743 989


General Careers Enquiries

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