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Why choose the School of Life Sciences

Our Life Sciences Liaison Board draws in professionals from across the industry including Glaxo Smith Kline, Medicines & Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency and Cellmark Forensics

Our academics are involved in real-world research, leading the way in areas such as COVID-19 testing technology, autoimmune disease, obesity, cancer pathways and global food security

We work with leading employers including Glaxo Smith Kline, Medicines & Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency, Nelson’s Natural Healthcare and Cellmark

About the course

In 2019 WHO listed high-threat pathogens influenza pandemic antimicrobial resistance and vaccine hesitancy among the ten top threats to global health. In 2020 the world suffered the profound effects of the novel SARS-CoV2 virus. There has never been a more compelling time to become a skilled professional in microbiology.

These global threats highlight the need for highly trained professionals who fully understand the role of micro-organisms in public health. This Master’s course focuses on the science of micro-organisms and the range of strategies employed for public health protection including epidemiology; public health intelligence; vaccination; antimicrobial chemotherapy; diagnostic microbiology; and outbreak investigation.

Why choose this course?

  • Study microorganisms that impact on health and disease focusing on diagnosis epidemiology and control of infectious disease
  • Explore how developments in molecular biology have altered diagnosis of infectious disease and impacted on outbreak investigation and management
  • Learn about current practice and new developments in vaccines and antimicrobial chemotherapy
  • Consider the challenges faced by efforts to eradicate specific infectious disease
  • Gain practical experience in planning conducting and evaluating library- and laboratory-based scientific research
  • Explore how public health policy and practice impacts on our wellbeing and safety
  • Undertake a challenging microbiology research project or public health dissertation enabling you to consider a particular topic in detail

We train you to critically study and apply understanding of microbiology to global public health issues. You benefit from excellent new science facilities and are supported by experts so you develop professional and transferable skills relevant to a range of careers in different sectors. Come and join us!

What will you study?

Control Of Infectious Disease

The control of pathogens associated with infectious disease is a key focus of public health as highlighted by the SARS-Cov-2 pandemic. To preserve human, animal and environmental health and life, there is a need to control transmission and limit the consequences of infections. This unit will review current research and the scientific basis for measures to control infectious diseases. It will equip you with the knowledge and skills required to apply these in an employment context, including academic research, biomedical science, health care and public health management.

Molecular And Diagnostic Microbiology

Diagnosis of infection, including identification of the pathogens involved, is a key applied aspect of microbiology in public health. Molecular biology techniques, including next-generation whole-genome sequencing, are increasingly being applied in such diagnosis. This unit will review current research and the scientific basis of diagnostic microbiology. It will equip you with the knowledge and skills required in an employment context, including academic research, biomedical science, health care and public health management.

Microbiology And Public Health Research Methods

The unit aims to develop your critical understanding and knowledge of research in microbiology and public health. It will introduce you to a range of research strategies, including quantitative & qualitative methods, and the considerations in selecting the most appropriate. It will equip you with skills for data analysis and an understanding of how to disseminate research.

Principles, Policies And Issues In Public Health

  • To facilitate an understanding of key principles of public health and the public health policies that shape the way in which public health issues might be addressed. 

  • To foster a critical understanding of the principles, relevant policies and research issues that have impacted on the way in which public health is currently addressed in the UK and internationally.

  • To develop students’ skills of critical analysis and evaluation, as these are the basis for reviewing and evaluating policy and practice and its underlying evidence base.

  • To enable students to develop and achieve their learning objectives, which is relevant to addressing the needs of the population.

Microbiology Research Project

The project unit aims to provide you with the opportunity to gain experience in performing an independent research investigation with guidance from experienced researchers. You will develop relevant research skills to generate, analyse and interpret data with reference to appropriate literature and gain experience in scientific reporting in a professional context.

Independent research is a critical part of any master’s degree and the part that most students find the most satisfying since it is an opportunity to undertake an extended period of personal research and present it in a professional format.

Microorganisms In Health And Disease

Although the role of microorganisms in infectious disease is long established, we are still gaining new insights into their role in promoting health or contributing to other health related conditions, such as obesity and behaviour. This core unit will establish a framework from which to consider microbiology in public health. This unit will review current research and the scientific basis of medical microbiology. It aims to provide knowledge and skills required to investigate the role of microorganisms in health and disease. It will equip you for employment contexts, including academic research, biomedical science, health care and public health management.

Epidemiology In Public Health

The aim of this unit is designed to introduce the key concepts and principles of epidemiology and acquire the knowledge and skills necessary to describe, analyse, interpret and appraise epidemiological studies. 

Other specific aims of the unit are to:

  • develop a critical understanding of the concepts of disease incidence, prevalence, and risk, and how they are assessed.

  • develop a critical understanding of the main issues in the design of epidemiological studies and critically assess the suitability of each type of study design (cohort design, case-control design and intervention)

  • develop a critical appreciation of key issues in the analysis and interpretation of epidemiological results and critically assess the effects of bias and confounding as well as the distinction between association and causation using appropriate research and evidence. 

Public Health Protection

What role does Public Health Protection play in protecting the population from infectious diseases and the effects of environmental hazards? Using local, national and international examples underpinned by subject informed research and scholarship, you will investigate:

  • Current policies and evidence-based strategies used in preventing and controlling threats to public health.

  • Current protocols for investigating and managing outbreaks of infectious diseases.

  • Threats to public health from factors such as environmental hazards, globalisation, climate and natural disasters.

  • Current practice in resilience planning and preparation to mitigate the impact of threats to public health from events such as emerging infectious diseases, releases of hazardous substances and mass gatherings.


This sustained individual programme of research at Master's level marks the threshold between postgraduate diploma and master’s level study. It is specifically devised, in accordance with the University regulations, to ensure that academic rigour and objectivity balance practical competence, and builds on the knowledge and skills acquired in the first two terms towards developing a scientifically sound research project.

The unit aims:

  • To enable students to develop and conduct an individual research project using primary or secondary research methodologies,
  • To enhance literature search and critical appraisal skills,
  • To develop the ability to critique relevant research methodologies and study design; and
  • To develop the ability to disseminate research findings  and their implications to influence health policy and practice

How will you be assessed?

Assessment is integral in all units to check that you have met the threshold standards expected of all graduates. They are also linked to learning designed to develop key subject specific and transferable skills for future employment. The requirements of each assessment will be detailed in a formal assessment brief document and discussed in teaching sessions. The Microbiology and public health research methods unit (BHS0YY-6) which has a single summative assessment will be supported with an earlier formative submission to enable students to gain feedback on their initial progress as they develop their research proposal. Units that include an end of unit examination shall include a formative exam experience to prepare students. The assessment tasks will include:

  • End of unit examination (unseen written examinations)
  • Problem-based learning based on case studies with poster presentation of findings
  • Formal public health reports and briefing paper
  • Laboratory notebook and laboratory reports
  • Literature review
  • Research proposal
  • Oral presentation.


This course prepares you for a career in pharmaceutical or biotechnological industries; the health sector including the NHS and public health; and academic research. It equips you with the knowledge and skills to take on roles in settings such as diagnostic and reference laboratories as well as within local and national government agencies.

'The high standard of teaching across the course content and laboratory project truly prepare you for either further studies in research or a work-oriented environment. The support offered throughout the course is also exceptional to the point that - thanks to the knowledge and laboratory skills I acquired - I managed to secure a funded PhD position.'

Entry Requirements

2.2 honours degree or equivalent in a related subject area

Entry Requirements

2.2 honours degree or equivalent in a related subject area

Entry Requirements

2.2 honours degree or equivalent in a related subject area

Entry Requirements

2.2 honours degree or equivalent in a related subject area

Fees for this course

UK 2024/25

The full-time standard fee for a taught Master's degree for the Academic Year 2024/25 is £10,000 per year. You can apply for a loan from the Government to help pay for your tuition fees and living costs. Visit

Alternatively if you have any questions around fees and funding, please email

International 2024/25

The full-time standard fee for a taught Master's degree for the Academic Year 2024/25 is £15,600

If you have any questions around fees and funding, please email

Fees for this course

UK 2024/25

The full-time standard fee for a taught Master's degree for the Academic Year 2024/25 is £10,000 per year. You can apply for a loan from the Government to help pay for your tuition fees and living costs. Visit

Alternatively if you have any questions around fees and funding, please email

International 2024/25

The full-time standard fee for a taught Master's degree for the Academic Year 2024/25 is £15,600

If you have any questions around fees and funding, please email

Fees for this course

UK 2024/25

The full-time standard fee for a taught Master's degree for the Academic Year 2024/25 is £10,000 per year. You can apply for a loan from the Government to help pay for your tuition fees and living costs. Visit

Alternatively if you have any questions around fees and funding, please email

International 2024/25

The full-time standard fee for a taught Master's degree for the Academic Year 2024/25 is £15,600

If you have any questions around fees and funding, please email

Fees for this course

UK 2024/25

The full-time standard fee for a taught Master's degree for the Academic Year 2024/25 is £10,000 per year. You can apply for a loan from the Government to help pay for your tuition fees and living costs. Visit

Alternatively if you have any questions around fees and funding, please email

International 2024/25

The full-time standard fee for a taught Master's degree for the Academic Year 2024/25 is £15,600

If you have any questions around fees and funding, please email

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