Microsoft Excel Introduction

tablet with a generic spreadsheet open with lots of figures

The focus of this course on creating spreadsheets for budgets, cash projections, and sales analysis, along with teaching how to use formulas for basic statistics like finding averages, makes it particularly suitable for individuals who work with financial data or need to communicate financial information effectively.

Who is it for?

The target audience for this course includes individuals who have specific needs related to data analysis and reporting using Excel. This could be:

  • Business Professionals:This course is ideal for professionals working in various business roles, such as finance managers, accountants, business analysts, and sales managers, who need to use Excel to create spreadsheets for budgeting, cash projections, and sales analysis.
    Small Business Owners: Entrepreneurs and small business owners who need to track their finances, create budgets, and analyse sales data can gain valuable skills from this course.
  • Report Writers: Individuals responsible for preparing and presenting financial information in the form of numerical or graphical reports, such as financial reports, sales reports, or performance dashboards, can enhance their reporting capabilities with the skills learned in this course.
  • Students and Learners: Students pursuing business, finance, or related courses can use this course to build a strong foundation in Excel for academic and future career purposes.

What will be covered?

The course provides a strong foundation in Excel skills, particularly for those who are new to the software or looking to enhance their basic proficiency. The one day course will cover how to:

  • Enter and Edit Data within a Worksheet
  • Manipulate Data Using Formulas and Functions
  • Professionally Format the Worksheet to improve visual appeal and readability
  • Copy and Move Data within and between worksheets, enabling efficient data management and organization.
  • Understand how to use Excel’s auto-fill feature to quickly populate cells with sequences or patterns of data.
  • Print Worksheets to produce hard copies of worksheets or reports for documentation and sharing purposes.
  • Name Ranges for Use in Formulas: Users will be able to define and use named ranges, making formulas more understandable and less error-prone.
  • Understand the difference between relative and absolute cell references to build complex formulas that adapt correctly when copied or moved.
  • Create and manage links or references between different sheets and workbooks, which is essential for data consolidation and analysis
  • Create various types of charts and graphs to visually represent and analyse data, a valuable skill for reporting and presenting information effectively.

Upcoming Courses

Tuesday 14th May 2024 - 9.30 am -12.30 pm


£90 + VAT



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