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Why engage with the University of Bedfordshire?

At the University of Bedfordshire we believe that higher education is world changing. We are proud to prepare our students for the global workplace and committed to using our academic expertise, industry connections and our student and staff passion to work with the business community to support our students and graduates to Succeed@Beds.

Through integrating employability throughout the student journey we ensure our graduates are equipped with the attributes, skills and experience that employers expect.

We have a global community of students, graduates, academic and professional staff. Recruiting from the University of Bedfordshire will allow you to engage with students and graduates from diverse backgrounds and a broad age demographic who can bring a richness of experience, perspective and outlook to your organisation.

We are placed in the top 5% of all UK universities for CPD and skills for business, with 92% or our graduates in employment or further study.

We have invested £55m on campus development in the past six years, ensuring our students have the resources and technology to give them the knowledge, skills and experience to compete at the highest levels.

The University of Bedfordshire Careers and Employability Service is your gateway to engagement with our students and graduates.

We aim to use our expertise to help empower employers to make meaningful connections with the next generation of talent through innovative, impactful and effective initiatives.

Ways that we can support you to engage with our students include:

  • Facilitate an industry specific masterclass or workshop
  • Deliver an on campus, virtual or hybrid information session
  • Arrange a faculty specific networking event
  • Offer placements or internships
  • Offer volunteering opportunities (for Charities and 'not for profit' organisations)
  • Advertise your opportunities free of charge via our Handshake early talent recruitment platform
  • Provide a live project to be incorporated in curriculum

What we can offer you:

  • Advice and guidance on recruiting our talent
  • An introduction to other internal stakeholders where relevant, eg our Research & Innovation Service
  • Support with setting up your Handshake profile to enable you to post events and opportunities directly to our students and graduates
  • Promotion of your initiatives via our social media channels

We are passionate at providing our diverse range of students and graduates with the best opportunities to excel in their career in a wide range of industries and locations and look forward to working with you to achieve our shared goals.

Why not contact us today via for an informal discussion about your requirements?

The University of Bedfordshire Careers and Employability Service are pleased to partner with Handshake, a unique and innovative platform that connects employers, students, graduates and the Careers and Employability Service all in one place.

Using the Handshake platform, we collaborate on a shared goal to democratise access to opportunities, ensuring that students and graduates from all backgrounds are able to build their best career.

You can use Handshake to advertise your opportunities, sign up for Bedfordshire Careers events, promote your own events and connect with Bedfordshire talent - all free of charge.

Explore our 'Support and Advice for Employers' page to find out more about how to set-up your Handshake Employer account, connect with the Careers and Employability Service and start promoting opportunities to our students and graduates.

Find out more about business support services delivered by the Research & Innovation Service