School of Art and Creative Industries News

Tue 28 March, 2023
University to inspire future sports journalists and pundits with free public masterclass

The University of Bedfordshire hopes to inspire the next generation of budding sports hacks by inviting the public along to experience a half-day journalism masterclass.

Fri 10 March, 2023
‘Aliens’ invade University campus

The University of Bedfordshire was recently the location for an exciting ‘alien invasion’, as students and alumni from various creative courses took part in a collaborative showcase event.

Thu 09 February, 2023
Local college students given hands-on TV and radio workshops

Students from Luton’s Barnfield College were invited to take part in a series of radio and TV ‘takeovers’ at the University of Bedfordshire, allowing them to produce programmes for their coursework assessments while gaining valuable industry-level experience.

Thu 01 December, 2022
University wins Silver and Gold at Community Radio Awards

Radio LaB – the University of Bedfordshire’s award-winning on-campus radio station – is celebrating two brilliant prizes it recently snapped up at this year’s Community Radio Awards (CRAs).

Tue 08 November, 2022
University to host international radio conference

The University of Bedfordshire has been selected to host an international radio conference this month by the Media, Communication & Cultural Studies Association (MeCCSA) to celebrate the 100th anniversary of the BBC.

Tue 01 November, 2022
University celebrates two Student Radio Award nominations

The University of Bedfordshire’s on-campus community radio station Radio LaB is celebrating after receiving two award nominations in the upcoming Student Radio Awards (SRA).

Wed 26 October, 2022
MA students celebrate work in art showcase

Masters students from the University of Bedfordshire recently celebrated their work and achievements in a creative end-of-year Degree Show.

Tue 04 October, 2022
Fantastic Noise podcast returns for new series

A podcast created by a University of Bedfordshire radio lecturer to help inspire aspiring radio and podcast creators, has today released the first episode of its fifth series.

Tue 20 September, 2022
Students, staff & alumni showcase art at Letchworth Open

The University of Bedfordshire’s creative talent is being represented at the Broadway Gallery by a large group of students, staff and alumni who are exhibiting their work in the annual Letchworth Open.

Mon 05 September, 2022
Clearing 2022: It made me feel excited about my future again

A fashion student at the University of Bedfordshire has spoken about her Clearing experience, after switching institutions so that she could smoothly continue with her studies.