Preparation of Step 2 ‘REAMIT’ Application Form

Submission to Interreg NWE Programme for funding

BMRI hosted scholars from North West Europe to prepare Step 2 application for the proposal titled "Improving Resource Efficiency of Agribusiness supply chains by Minimising waste using Big Data and Internet of Things sensors (REAMIT)" on 28 August 2018. Representatives from University College Dublin (Ireland), Harper Adams University (UK), Nottingham Trent University (UK), East Netherlands Development Agency, Images & Réseaux (France), Levstone Ltd. (UK), attended the meeting in addition to several scholars from the University. There was also a representative from the UK National Contact Point of the Interreg NWE programme.

BMRI Director, Professor Ram Ramanathan, who is leading the project, welcomed all the participants to the day-long meeting. This was followed by introduction from participants explaining their expertise and interest  in joining the consortium. Throughout the day, detailed discussions were held around meeting various challenges during the preparation stage. Specifically, the consortium agreed  on design and organisation of work packages and discussed other key moments: technology options and their involvement in conducting various pilot tests; pros and cons of using the voucher scheme; partnership agreement and its various articles. The meeting concluded with thanks from Professor Ramanathan.

Professor Ramanathan presenting


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