On campus learning

An increasing number of activities are incorporated into curriculum and research offerings which use the campuses of the University and our Head of Sustainability, who is based in Facilities and Estates, as resources for students to learn about sustainable management and operations.

  • Incorporation of ecology audit reports and biodiversity action plans of estates into biological science teaching
  • Undergraduate student projects focused on problem solving for challenges on campus
  • Postgraduate student research was conducted on campus waste management and biodiversity
  • The Forest School
  • University and partnership college student visits at Luton and Bedford campuses to learn about the sustainable solar panels, rainwater harvesting, waste management and business model
  • Head of Sustainability inputs to feedback and assessment of vivas of students on the Sustainable Business Management Masters’ degree

Photo: Students on the ‘Action for Sustainability’ unit on tour of sustainability operations and management by Facilities and Estates.

Students at Cawleys recycling plant

The course work requires students to identify what other sustainability actions could be implemented on campus.

Green Impact Students' Unions 2022-23 Fair Trade logo We are A Fair Trade University 2019 Eco Campus Platinum Award for Environmental Management SystemPeople and Planet 1st award class 2021 - 2022 University League