Review and reporting

Following approval from the Teaching and Learning Action Group and the Academic Board, courses teams are required to indicate how courses incorporate the elements of education for sustainability as identified in the CRe8 curriculum framework. Curriculum and course developments are reviewed and reported.

  • Course Information Forms - DOCX 66.2 KB require course teams to indicate the education for sustainability elements which are addressed into new and modified courses including content and pedagogic approaches.
  • The Periodic Review Process ensures that as courses are updated and reviewed on a regular basis; elements of the education for sustainability agenda are incorporated.

Other initiatives and developments which deliver education for sustainability are reported to the University’s Quality Enhancement Committee (QEC).

Since January 2018, curriculum enhancements are reported to the Student Learning and Success Committee which replaced QEC.

Since 2022, curriculum enhancements for sustainability and the UN SDGs are reported to the Employability Working Group.

The following papers include those submitted for discussion and approved.

Green Impact Students' Unions 2022-23 Fair Trade logo We are A Fair Trade University 2019 Eco Campus Platinum Award for Environmental Management SystemPeople and Planet 1st award class 2021 - 2022 University League