Safer Young Lives is part of the Institute of Applied Social Research

Her Majesty's Inspectorate of Constabulary (HMIC)

Her Majesty's Inspectorate of Constabulary (HMIC) has commissioned the International Centre to undertake research with children and young people who come into contact with the police, because of concerns about their safety or wellbeing.

This includes experiences of:

  • child abuse or neglect within the family home
  • exposure to domestic abuse (or experience of this if 16 plus)
  • child sexual exploitation or other forms of abuse (trafficking, violence) outside of the familial home
  • going missing

Utilising interview and survey methodologies, the research is eliciting the views of a range of children and young people who have come into contact with police around such safeguarding concerns, on:

  • how children and young people experience these processes
  • what good practice looks like
  • how these processes could be improved.

The findings will be used to influence HMIC's child protection inspection framework and wider work on vulnerability. Summary findings will be available in early 2016.

For further information please contact Helen Beckett at


Safer Young Lives Research Centre
Institute of Applied Social Research
University of Bedfordshire
University Square