- Safer Young Lives
- About the Centre
- Blog
- Resources
- Short Films for Practice CSE Research
- Staff
- Publications
- Current Programmes and Projects
- Young Researchers' Advisory Panel (YRAP)
- Completed Projects
- Evaluation, Training and Consultancy
- Professional Doctorate and other Study Opportunities
- Open letter to Westminster Government
- In memory of Lucie Moore
- About the Centre
- Blog
- Resources
- Short Films for Practice CSE Research
- Staff
- Publications
- Current Programmes and Projects
- Learning Together: Involving children and youth in sexual abuse research
- Imagining Resistance
- Elevating ‘Our Voices’
- Exploring racial disparity in diversion from the youth justice system
- BLMK Integrated Care System Research and Innovation Hub
- Implementation and impact of the Practice Principles for responding to child exploitation and extra familial harm
- Journeys through the Justice System
- Support needs of neurodivergent young women and girls following domestic abuse and exploitation
- Young Researchers' Advisory Panel (YRAP)
- Completed Projects
- Policy: CSE Guidance and Definitions
- The Alexi Project
- PACE evaluation
- ESRC Teenagers in Foster Care Series
- Learning about the Lighthouse
- Her Majesty's Inspectorate of Constabulary (HMIC)
- NSPCC Mapping
- Our Voices
- Our Voices Too
- The 'Be Healthy' Project
- MsUnderstood: building local responses to peer on peer abuse
- Making Noise: Children’s Voices for Positive Change after Sexual Abuse
- Victim Support Adult Support Project
- FCASE Evaluation
- Evaluation of AVA project
- Nightwatch
- CSE and Policing Knowledge Hub
- Making Justice Work
- CSE Knowledge Transfer Project
- Policing Models and CSE
- ESRC Series: Teenagers in Foster Care
- Public Health England Literature Review
- Life skills, leadership, limitless potential:
- The Children’s Social Care Innovation programme
- Evaluation of Barnardo's Safe Accommodation Project
- Learning Action Partnership to Prevent CSE in Bulgaria
- Four films on gang associated sexual violence and exploitation
- Research into gang associated sexual exploitation and sexual violence
- Evaluation of Barnardo's Police Service of NI Pilot Missing Initiative
- Talking Child Sexual Exploitation: A study of Current Practice in London
- Being Heard Project
- Rotherham Project
- The RISE Learning Network
- Contextual Safeguarding Programme
- Faith sensitive RSE research
- Learning from the experts: Young people's perspectives on how we can support healthy child development after sexual abuse
- Our Voices III: challenging sexual violence against children
- MOPAC Girls and Young Women at Risk
- Young people receiving services for harm outside the home or exploitation: experiences of wider family members
- Evaluation of the Bedfordshire Violence and Exploitation Reduction Unit (VERU)
- Journeys through the Justice System Following Abuse
- Evaluation, Training and Consultancy
- Professional Doctorate and other Study Opportunities
- Open letter to Westminster Government
- In memory of Lucie Moore
Safer Young Lives is part of the Institute of Applied Social Research
Talking Child Sexual Exploitation: A study of Current Practice in London
In autumn 2013, London Councils and the London Safeguarding Children Board commissioned a team of researchers from the University of Bedfordshire to map current responses to child sexual exploitation (CSE) across London.
The study was conducted in October/November 2013. The findings are drawn from an in-depth quantitative survey (completed by 30 London boroughs and local safeguarding children boards) and eight semi-structured interviews with statutory and voluntary sector providers.
The report provides a snapshot of current responses to CSE across London, in relation to:
- Local scoping of the issue;
- Local policies and procedures;
- Training and awareness raising;
- Identification and early intervention (re. victims and perpetrators);
- Responding to cases of CSE (re. victims and perpetrators); and
- Overarching reflections on progress and challenges.
Download the full report - PDF 430.5 KB
and summary report -
PDF 221.2 KB
Safer Young Lives Research Centre
Institute of Applied Social Research
University of Bedfordshire
University Square